Faith's Law/EHR request can be sent to Susan Bodtke at

Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws


Job Openings:

School Year 2025-2026

6-8 Special Ed Teacher @ CJHS

6-8 Physical Ed/Health Teacher@ CJHS

Kindergarten Teacher @ Armstrong School

Kindergarten Teacher @ Wilson School

Please send cover letter and resume to Associate Superintendent, Jason Warner at

K-5 Special Education Teacher

Please send cover letter and resume to Director of Special Services, Jason Gambill,

School Year 2024-2025

3 Hour Cook

Please send resume to Megan Fowler at

Bus Driver

Bus Monitor

Please call Robert Bodtke at 309-427-5186 or email at

6-8 Special Education Teacher @ CJHS

School Psychologist

School Social Worker

Special Education Teacher Emotional Disability Classroom @ CJHS

Please send cover letter and resume to Director of Special Services, Jason Gambill at

If no openings exist and you wish to be considered for any openings that might occur, please send a cover letter and resume to Mr. Jason Warner, Associate Superintendent. Then watch our web site for any job openings and send a letter indicating your interest in that specific position, noting that your resume is already on file.

New Staff Hire Paperwork

Questions? Please call Susan Bodtke to set up an appointment @ 309-427-5101 or email


Applications currently being accepted for:
Substitute teachers for K-8, Cooks , Aides/Clerical Workers K-8

Qualifications for Subs

What is a Paraprofessional

Sub Teacher/Paraprofessional Checklist

Certified Substitute Paperwork (Teachers)

Teachers - $130 per day / $155 per day for long-term (more than 10 consecutive days for the same teacher)

Non-Certified Substitute Paperwork (Cooks, Aides & Clerical Workers K-8)

  • Classroom Aides /Secretary ($110 per day)

  • Cooks  ($15.00 per hour)

If you or someone you know is interested in subbing or has any questions call Tracy Ellis @ 309-427-5100 or email

East Peoria Elementary District 86 Administration Office
601 Taylor Street
East Peoria, IL 61611