East Peoria District 86 is accepting new applications for our Early Childhood Education (Pre-School) Program for the 2024-25 School year. Our Early Childhood Education program will focus on pre-kindergarten readiness skills such as learning colors, shapes, and patterns, identifying letters and numbers, letter sounds, counting, fine motor skills, and social skills. The program is 2 ½ hours long, 5 days a week. At this point in time, we do not have a full-day option. We have very limited spots for this program, so we are looking for students who may not be able to attend other pre-schools.

Must live in the Boundaries of District 86
Must be the age of 3 by Aug 14th

Must not turn 5 by Sept 1st

We work closely with the Tazewell/Woodford County Head Start program. Within a household,
if your income is under $32,000 for a family of 4, please register with Head Start. Their phone
number is 699-6843.

Students that will be prioritized for the Program:
Household Incomes between $32,000-60,000 Kindergarten age Eligible for the 25-26 School year Possible Academic, Behavioral or Speech Concerns.

Steps to Apply:
Fill out an application by clicking on the link below. Ages and Stages Questionnaire will be sent to you once the initial application is received. Please return as soon as possible to complete the application. Students who meet the criteria for further assessment will be scheduled to come to an in-person assessment to gather additional data. All data will be analyzed to make final determinations for acceptance into the program.

* If your child is already enrolled this year, you don't need to re-apply. If you have any questions about the process, please call the Special Services office (309)427-5127.


To fill out an Early Childhood Application, please click on the link below.